Empowering Dreams: Journey from Accountancy to Electrical Engineering


In the labyrinth of career choices, accountancy often emerges as a beacon of stability, promising a steady income and respectable profession. It's a path well-trodden, yet for some, like me, it fails to ignite the spark of passion and purpose. As I tread through the corridors of numbers and financial statements, I've come to realize that while accountancy may offer stability, it lacks the resonance that fuels my soul.


Accountancy, undoubtedly, is a challenging discipline to myself. The intricacies of financial analysis and reporting demand perseverance and dedication. Yet, despite my efforts for this program, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was merely going through the motions, lacking the fervor and enthusiasm that drive true excellence. It became increasingly apparent that while stability is valuable, it shouldn't come at the cost of fulfillment.


Seeking clarity amidst the fog of uncertainty, I turned to the wisdom of ikigai - the Japanese concept of finding one's purpose and fulfillment in life. Ikigai transcends mere career choices; it's about aligning with one's passions, values, and talents. Reflecting on this philosophy, I realized that accountancy, despite its merits, didn't resonate with my innermost being.


Enter electrical engineering - a realm teeming with possibilities, where creativity meets technical prowess. The allure of understanding and manipulating electricity, of unraveling the mysteries of circuits and systems, ignited a fire within me. Unlike accountancy, which felt like a chore, electrical engineering spoke to my innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge.


The resonance between electrical engineering and my aspirations is palpable. It's not merely about understanding the intricacies of electrical systems; it's about embracing the challenge of unraveling their complexities. From designing circuits to troubleshooting malfunctioning equipment, every aspect of electrical engineering fuels my passion and ignites my imagination.


But my dreams extend beyond the confines of a classroom or laboratory. What do I truly desire? It's not just about mastering the theoretical concepts of electrical engineering; it's about applying them in real-world scenarios, across borders and cultures. My goal is to explore different countries, to immerse myself in diverse cultures, and to contribute to the global conversation on sustainable energy.


Imagine traveling to remote villages, harnessing the power of electricity to improve lives and empower communities. Picture collaborating with engineers from around the world, exchanging ideas and insights to tackle pressing energy challenges. This is the vision that propels me forward, driving me to pursue my dream course in electrical engineering with unwavering determination and zeal.


As I embark on this journey, I am acutely aware of the challenges that lie ahead. The path to realizing my dreams may be fraught with obstacles, but I am undeterred. With each step forward, I am guided by the conviction that in chasing my dreams, I not only fulfill my own ikigai but also contribute to a brighter, more electrifying future for generations to come as I chart my course from the familiar shores of accountancy to the electrifying realm of electrical engineering, I embrace the journey ahead with fervor, fueled by the pursuit of passion and purpose.


  1. What a wonderful blog about your journey. May I know what advice would you offer to others considering a similar transition from accountancy to electrical engineering, based on your own experiences and insights?

    1. Transitioning from accountancy to electrical engineering requires thorough research, assessing motivations, and understanding educational requirements. Building a strong foundation in math and physics, gaining practical experience, and networking with professionals are essential steps. Highlight transferable skills, stay patient and persistent, and believe in your ability to succeed in this transition.

  2. The information is incredibly inspiring for individuals seeking to transition to their preferred course.

    1. Its just the baby step to know myself better and to inspire individuals to take seriously though their passion and desire into permanent life

  3. Hii I enjoy reading this post! Though I want to ask what inspire you to pursue electrical engineering?

    1. I visualize myself take out the spaghetti wire around in my surrounding, when i look up into the sky. For the world that keep pulling me to take electrical engineering

  4. I enjoyed this blog, question tho do you enjoy BSA even tho your dream course is Electrical Engineering?

    1. I enjoy BSA even my dream courses is electrical engineering, because i met bright people that ignite my curiosity and energy. That all of us taking the push and learn complex accounting terminology and principles. I glad met them and cherish our time together.

  5. Hello, JB! I really enjoyed reading about your journey from accountancy to electrical engineering. Could you share more about how you discovered your passion for electrical engineering and what specific experiences solidified this decision for you?


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